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No Excuses: 6 Ways You Can Be Involved!

Writer's picture: Jim BurchelJim Burchel

Were you aware that although there are 1000 churches for every unreached people group in the world, only half a penny of every dollar of the churches resources goes to reach these unreached? This is a clearly a significant imbalance and begs the question, how do we narrow the gap? I'm so glad you asked!!

Today I would like to share 6 practical ways anyone can get involved, several of which you may not have considered! I'm so grateful to the Perspectives class and OMF for making me aware of these resources! Please follow the links provided to see a short video about each of the six ways to reach God's World

1- LEARN -- I cannot emphasize this strongly enough, YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE PERSPECTIVES CLASS!! This class is life changing. I know you hear that about a lot of things and it often feels like hyperbole, but in this case. . . it is REALLY TRUE!! Make the commitment, trust me it is 100% worth it! I have also begun a resources page on my site where you'll find links to GREAT books, articles, websites, and more.

2- PRAY -- Check out the video linked here. You will find some creative ways to not just pray yourself, but help facilitate others in prayer. There are many GREAT online prayer resources as well including: Joshua Project, and Operation World. If you are not already, start praying today for the unreached!

3- GO -- Many in the Western church have settled on the belief that it is better for 'near culture' believers to go to the unreached. While there is truth and wisdom in this sentiment, the need is too great for them alone. Bold, courageous western believers are still needed in order to meet the demand for missionaries on pioneer fields. If not as a career, consider going as a retiree, or as a student for a semester, or even for a week or two with your local church! You are still needed!!

4- SEND -- I know you already know this, but the North American church is the wealthiest church with the most resources of any church in history!! We can all be involved in sending. Keep in mind that sending is not only financial. It involves supporting through prayer, offering a bed in your home, writing letters, and more. Get involved in a missionaries life in real and tangible ways. Build a strong relationship. Consider becoming a sender today!

5- WELCOME -- Here is one I had never considered. You can be involved as a cross-cultural missionary right where you are! As you probably know, the nations and peoples are coming to us! There are refugees, immigrants, and cross-cultural students all around us. Consider volunteering with an organization like World Relief who can provide training and opportunities to welcome these folks with open arms. Keep in mind foreign students as well. There are now over 1.1 million international students in the U.S. These students often report having no friends and having never been invited into anyone's home. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus by becoming involved as a welcomer!!

6- MOBILIZE -- The final way you can get involved is as a mobilizer! By becoming a mobilizer, you are involved in fueling others flame for God's heart for the people's of the world! You could get involved in your church's college ministry and share with student's these six ways to get involved. You could facilitate a small group study on missions and God's heart for the nations. You could invite a group of people over to your home to share your heart and enjoy some international cuisine. There are SO MANY ways you can be involved in mobilizing others to God's mission!

So, there you have it!! Six ways you can get involved!! You are without excuse. All of us can do something, and now you have some great ideas on how you can be involved in bringing the GREAT NEWS of the gospel to all the people's of the world! Don't forget to check out the resources page on my website for lots of great resources! Don't delay... GET INVOLVED TODAY!



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